Matt and Emily Musser


Matt and Emily are missionaries with New Tribe Mission and are currently serving in Indonesia. They are currently serving as Tribal Church Planters. For more info click here.

Rob and Christiana Johnson


Rob and Christina Johnson are celebrating 10 years of ministry in Thailand this year! Rob is now the middle school/high school counselor at Chiang Mai International School (CMIS].
Christina is the JAM (Jesus and Me) Children's Director at Chiang Mai Community Church.
All their support goes through their sending church in Nebraska, Heartland Evangelical Free Church. If you would like to partner with them, go to Heartland E-Free Church’s online giving website page at: https://heartlandefc.churchcenter.com/giving

Brock and Heather Hower


Brock and Heather serve the Lord in Amealco, Querétaro, Mexico with Camino Global along with their kids Tucker, Silas, Ruben and Annie.  Their main ministry is church planting in Amealco which is a small town up in the mountains of central Mexico.  They are also on the board of Buscad Primero México, which serves national church leaders and their families through retreats, counseling/mentoring, various family activities, and seminars. To learn more about this mission check out their webpage:  www.caminoglobal.org

Thomas and Rindy Fleming


Their mission is to aid the building up of the church in Albania.  Thomas is primarily a preacher and teacher in local churches and Bible Schools.  One of their primary opportunities in Albania is an outreach among the visually impaired, helping with physical needs, social needs, and spiritual needs, with groups in various locations of Albania. To learn more about how God is working through the Fleming’s check out their webpage: The Fleming Family

Scott and Lucia Eberle


Scott and Lucia Eberle served with SIM in the country of Niger in the capacity of training Christian school teachers to integrate a Christian perspective in their teaching. In 2013, Lucia also took on the role of manager of Docas Ministry in Niger, ministering to widows.
In 2021, Scott and Lucia returned to the United States where Lucia is ministering full time with Dorcas ministry in the countries of Niger, Burkino Faso, and Benin.  Widows are a part of the society of West Africa that is ignored, left behind, mistreated, unloved, and misunderstood.  The heart of Dorcas is to show God’s love to the widows and become their voice.  The widows describe Dorcas as a family where they find spiritual and physical nourishment, counsel, encouragement, and where they are understood. Today’s technology allows her to be “present” via many methods especially using the app, Whatsapp.

John and Diane Crews


John and Diane Crews have been in international ministry since 1998. They have been involved with Homecare Ministries since the vision was cast in 2006. In those years they have formed deep relationships with the staff, those involved in the Homecare Ministry network, and developed relationships with other local Christian leaders in the country. Through their passion and commitment to Burundi, many here in the US have joined in efforts to impact Burundi and now also have a passion to see the people of Burundi have Hope and Life in Jesus and experience full restoration and life. 

Jody and Barbara Crain


Jody is a Tribal Church Planting and Culture/Language Acquisition Consultant; International Coordinator of Firm Foundations Materials. To see how God is working through Jody and Barbara check out their webpage: Jody Crain

Mark and Barbara Hugo


Mark and Barbara are missionaries with SIM in South Africa. Their ministry is divided into two; they have a church-based ministry in a small suburb at Christ Church Sybrandt Park and Mark teaches the bible to the AmaZioni under ZEMA. To learn more about SIM check out their webpage: SIM
Click here for Mark’s Blog: Hugo’s Highlights
Click here for Babara’s Blog: Barb’s Journey

Ethan Perkins


Ethan Perkins is a Missionary at a Christian camp in lower Alabama called Camp Victory. Ethan grew up at the camp while his parents were missionaries on the full time staff. In 2020 his parents left the mission field to grow their business. Now in 2023 Ethan has been accepted to become full time staff at Camp Victory and is currently raising support to join them. Ethan expects his main responsibilities to be to help with the Adventure program, Media and Maintenance. To help support Ethan on his Mission you can donate here: https://www.campvictoryal.org/donate

Buddy and Kathy Rogers


Cleon “Buddy” and Kathy Rogers have been serving the Lord since 1991 in Germany.  Cleon pastors an international Baptist Church, while Kathy leads the children’s and women’s ministry.  Cleon also teaches at Bibel Seminar Bonn in the area of Old Testament. In addition, he helps lay people and pastors in growing and knowing the Lord.  Our goal to influence as many people as possible for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Larry and Marcella Miller


After retiring as a Pastor, Dr Miller, along with his wife Marcella, founded Equippers Ministry International. Equippers Ministry exists to serve the church in the United States and the nations of the world in order to further enable the accomplishment of Christ’s purposes for His Church. 

Douglas and Gloria Livingston


Doug is the the President of Camino Global, an organization whose mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, serving among and with Spanish-speakers globally.  Camino missionaries serve alongside Spanish speakers everywhere, with feet on the ground on four continents.  To learn more about how God is working through the Livingston’s at Camino Global check their webpage: Camino Global

Ali Enos


Ali has been working in full time ministry with college students for over two decades. She is currently serving on the Louisiana State University team with Cru. Knowing that there are so many different decisions that are made in college, Ali is grateful she gets the opportunity to impact lives for eternity. Ali's time is spent sharing her faith and discipling college women to share their faith and training and encouraging them to walk with God for a lifetime. She also leads many Bible Studies on campus and coaches other college women to do the same. You can learn more about Ali's ministry at http://ali-enos.com/ and you can learn more about Cru's ministry at LSU at http://lsucru.com/ 

Damien and Renee Daspit


Damien's team will be releasing the first ever AI-based Bible translation software at the beginning of 2024. This new software, which is called Serval, has the potential to have major long-term impacts on the entire Bible translation community. Serval will be released as a part of Scripture Forge, the web-based Bible translation app that Damien helped to start 8 years ago. The software works by training an AI on portions of the Bible that have already been translated. Once it is trained, it can generate a rough draft of the next book of the Bible. The translation team will then revise the draft, fixing any errors. The projects that have tested the software have given us very positive feedback. In some cases, it doubles their translation speed. Right now, we are focused on Old Testament projects that have already completed a New Testament. Because most of the major Bible translation organizations are still focused NT translation, these OT projects often do not have a lot of support. Local churches are responsible for running the project without a lot of experience or expertise. A Bible translation AI that can generate rough drafts can have a huge impact on the success of these projects. Right now, there are over 200 projects that are waiting to use the new software. This is the first step into a new frontier. Please pray for Damien's team as they attempt to navigate this uncharted landscape.

Rick and Jonell Barth


Rick and Jonell Barth are currently serving the Lord at New Tribes Bible Institute in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  There they are helping to lay a biblical foundation not only for men and women who are preparing to serve the Lord with New Tribes Mission but also for those who simply desire a closer walk with their Lord, no matter where He might lead them.

Marvin and Pam Campbell


Marvin first encountered The Navigators at the U.S. Naval Academy in 1985 when a Navigator student invited him to read the Bible. Throughout his 13-year active duty with the U.S. Navy, Marvin dedicated himself to spreading the gospel among his shipmates. Marvin retired in 2009 and committed himself to full-time ministry with The Navigators. Alongside his wife, Pamala, they have served in various leadership positions within our military, neighbors, collegiate, 20s, workplace, and City ministries. Their efforts have led them to share the gospel within military installations, college campuses, local churches, and surrounding communities for many years. Marvin served as U.S. Field director for The U.S. Navigators before his current role as The Navigators U.S. president. Marvin's combined experience in both military and ministry has provided him with valuable insights into leadership training and development. He also possesses knowledge of church discipleship, managing organizational change, and team dynamics. Marvin and Pamala enjoy spending time with their family. They are proud parents of three sons, Taylor, Zachary, and Joshua, and have four grandchildren, Theodora, Santiago, Arlo, and Vinyl. Marvin and Pamala enjoy theater performances, jazz music, hiking, kayaking, biking, and pickleball in their free time.
To learn more about The Navigators check out their website: The Navigators

Bill and Linda Parker


The Parkers main ministry is focused on overseeing the mentoring ministry for Spanish speaking potential candidates, working under Avant Ministries' new branch of Avant Español. Their goals are to mentor these potential missionaries and recruit experienced Spanish speaking missionaries to mentor them in their journey to get to the field. They also work with hispanics locally through friendship evangelism and discipleship. Bill also works part-time as a "Marketplace Chaplain" in the East Texas area. The Parkers have three married children and nine grandchildren, all presently living in Texas.